Yukon – Paid Sick Leave Rebate for employers and self-employed April 28 2023
The Yukon Government has announced that retroactive to April 1, 2023, those (employees and self-employed individuals) who are making equal to or less than $33.94 per hour and are without paid sick leave from their employer are eligible for 40 hours of paid sick leave, over 12 months. This benefit is paid by the Yukon Government and is the first funded paid sick leave with a program targeting workers who are most likely to suffer from taking unpaid time off in Canada. The program covers sick leave taken from April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2025.
Yukon – Remboursement des congés de maladie payés à l’intention des employeurs et des travailleurs autonomes
Le gouvernement du Yukon a annoncé que, rétroactivement à compter du 1er avril 2023, les employés et les travailleurs autonomes dont le salaire est égal ou inférieur à 33,94 $ et qui n’ont pas de congés de maladie payés par leur employeur sont admissibles à 40 heures de congés de maladie payés par période de 12 mois. Cette prestation est payée par le gouvernement du Yukon, et c’est le premier programme de congés de maladie payés financés ciblant les travailleurs les plus susceptibles d’être affectés par la prise de congés non payés au Canada. Le programme couvre les congés de maladie pris entre le 1er avril 2023 et le 31 mars 2025.
Pour de plus amples renseignements, visitez le :
Federal - Fourth Paid Sick Day takes effect on February 24, 2023 February 13 2023
Under the Canada Labour Code, federally regulated private sector workers are entitled to 10 paid sick days per year. On February 24, 2023 workers will accrue their fourth paid sick day for 2023.
To Learn more visit,
Réglementation fédérale – Le quatrième jour de congé de maladie payé entre en vigueur le 24 février 2023
Selon le Code canadien du travail, les travailleurs du secteur privé sous réglementation fédérale ont droit à 10 jours de congé de maladie payé par année. Le 24 février 2023, les travailleurs accumuleront leur quatrième jour de congé de maladie payé pour 2023.
Pour de plus amples renseignements, visitez le :
Nova Scotia: COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave May 18 2021
Nova Scotians who need to take time off work because of COVID-19 may qualify for up to 4 paid sick days through the COVID-19 Sick Leave Program. Businesses can apply for reimbursement for an employee’s pay when an employee needs to take time off. Applications open May 26, 2021.
For more information, please visit:,Applications%20open%2026%20May%202021.
Source: Government of Nova Scotia
Manitoba: COVID-19 Paid Sick and Vaccination Leave May 18 2021
The Manitoba government is launching a new Manitoba Pandemic Sick Leave program which will provide employers with up to $600 per employee for up to five full days of COVID-19 related sick leave.
Further, the province is introducing changes to the Employment Standards Code that would allow Manitoba workers to take a three-hour paid leave to receive COVID-19 vaccinations.
For more information, please visit: /
Source: Government of Manitoba
The Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017 Passed in Ontario November 25 2017
Earlier this week, Ontario passed The Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017 which will raise the minimum wage, expand personal emergency leave, and increase enforcement of employment laws. Highlights of the passed changes include:- Ontario’s general minimum wage will increase to $14 per hour on January 18, 2018 then to $15 per hour on January 1, 2019.
- Personal emergency leave will be expanded to 10 days per calendar year, with at least two paid days per calendar year for employees who have been employed for at least a week.
- Employers will be banned from requiring a doctor’s note from an employee taking personal emergency leave.
For a list of all changes resulting from the passing of this legislation, please refer to our interview with Karl Baldauf, Ontario Chamber of Commerce VP, focusing on Bill 148 which can be found in the Knowledge section of our website.