
Updates to Termination Entitlements under the Canada Labour Code January 12 2024

Effective February 1, 2024, federally regulated employees will be entitled to increased notice of termination requirements under the Canada Labour Code. The new entitlements include:

  • Two weeks’ notice for employees with at least three consecutive months of continuous employment;
  • Three weeks’ notice for employees with at least three consecutive years of continuous employment;
  • Four weeks’ notice for employees with at least four consecutive years of continuous employment;
  • Five weeks’ notice for employees with at least five consecutive years of continuous employment;
  • Six weeks’ notice for employees with at least six consecutive years of continuous employment;
  • Seven weeks’ notice for employees with at least seven consecutive years of continuous employment; and
  • Eight weeks’ notice for employees with at least eight consecutive years of continuous employment.

Further, employers will be required to provide employees with a statement of benefits, at the time of termination of employment that details their wages, vacation pay, severance pay, and any other benefits and pay arising from their employment.

For questions or more information, please submit a ticket through our OnDemand portal.

Source: Canada Labour Code

Federal - Fourth Paid Sick Day takes effect on February 24, 2023 February 13 2023

Under the Canada Labour Code, federally regulated private sector workers are entitled to 10 paid sick days per year. On February 24, 2023 workers will accrue their fourth paid sick day for 2023.

To Learn more visit,


Réglementation fédérale – Le quatrième jour de congé de maladie payé entre en vigueur le 24 février 2023

Selon le Code canadien du travail, les travailleurs du secteur privé sous réglementation fédérale ont droit à 10 jours de congé de maladie payé par année. Le 24 février 2023, les travailleurs accumuleront leur quatrième jour de congé de maladie payé pour 2023.

Pour de plus amples renseignements, visitez le :