Manitoba – Updates to Employment Legislation April 11 2024
The Government of Manitoba has announced changes to labour and employment legislation, including:
- Effective October 1, 2024, the minimum wage will increase from $15.30 to $15.80
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Orange Shirt Day) was added as a new general holiday, to be held on September 30 of each year
The following are proposed changes to employment legislation that have been presented:
- Increasing long-term leave for serious injury or illness from 17 to 27 weeks
- Repeal of The Public Sector Construction Projects (Tendering) Act
- Legislation that would stop the use of replacement workers during strikes and lockouts
- Automatic certification of a bargaining unit if a union filed signed membership cards with the Manitoba Labour Board that resulted in a majority of employees in the workplace
For questions or more information, please submit a ticket through our OnDemand portal.
Source: MLT AIKINS / Government of Manitoba
Upcoming Minimum Wage Increases – October 1, 2023 September 13 2023
The following minimum wage increases will come into effect October 1, 2023:
Manitoba - $15.30 per hour
Newfoundland & Labrador - $15.00 per hour
Nova Scotia - $15.00 per hour
Ontario - $16.55 per hour
PEI - $15.00 per hour
Source: Government of Newfoundland & Labrador, Ontario, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, and PEI.
Augmentations du salaire minimum à venir – 1er octobre 2023
Les augmentations du salaire minimum suivantes entreront en vigueur le 1er octobre 2023 :
Manitoba – 15,30 $ l’heure
Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador – 15,00 $ l’heure
Nouvelle-Écosse – 15,00 $ l’heure
Ontario – 16,55 $ l’heure
Île-du-Prince-Édouard – 15,00 $ l’heure
Source : Gouvernements de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, d’Ontario, du Manitoba, de Nouvelle-Écosse et de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard.
Upcoming Minimum Wage Increases - October 1, 2021 September 15 2021
On October 1, 2021, the minimum wage rates in Ontario, Manitoba, Newfoundland, and Saskatchewan will increase.
Ontario – 10¢ increase to $14.35/hour
Manitoba - 5¢ increase to $11.95/hour
Newfoundland - 25¢ increase to $12.75/hour
Saskatchewan - 36¢ increase to $11.81/hour
To view employment legislation in your jurisdiction, please refer to the Laws tab.
Source: Government of Ontario, Government of Manitoba, Government of Newfoundland, Government of Saskatchewan.
Prochaines augmentations du salaire minimum - 1er octobre 2021
Le 1er octobre 2021, le salaire minimum augmentera en Ontario, au Manitoba, à Terre-Neuve et en Saskatchewan.
Ontario - augmentation de 10 ¢ pour atteindre 14,35 $/heure
Manitoba - augmentation de 5 ¢ pour atteindre 11,95 $/heure
Terre-Neuve - augmentation de 25 ¢ pour atteindre 12,75 $/heure
Saskatchewan - augmentation de 36 ¢ pour atteindre 11,81 $/h.
Pour consulter la législation en matière d'emploi dans votre juridiction, consultez l'onglet Lois.
Source : Gouvernement de l'Ontario, Gouvernement du Manitoba, Gouvernement de Terre-Neuve, Gouvernement de la Saskatchewan.